Student Name

Alexander Goldberg


Personal Information

Australian with Filippino and Ukrainian descent.

Live a standard Australian lifestyle with a nuclear family. There are hints of heritage from a Jewish religious background as well as multicultural aspects of Asia and Europe.

Languages spoken:


  • 2021 Bachelors of IT and Programming
  • 2019 Bachelors of Creative Technology
  • 2017 Diploma of Audio Engineering And Sound Production
  • 2016 Certificate III Commercial Cookery
  • 2015 Certificate II in Security Operations
  • 2013 Certificate III in Retail
  • 2011 Year 11 Completion
  • 2010 Year 10 School Certificate

Interesting facts:
Based on my job and education history, I would consider myself a jack-of-all-trades and master of none. I am very creatively inclined and have been very interested in the arts such as music, drawing or games since I was young. I enjoy being more technical within those art forms however so I find that knowledge is my passion, and continuing to educate myself on certain practices keeps me entertained.

Interest in IT

What is my interest in IT, when did my IT interest start and why did my interest in IT happen?

My interest in IT is that it is a very integral part of my daily life. From using my phone or computer to communicating with people, to utilising network and data-based systems for my music work. I have always had an interest in IT since I was young and being able to learn computer technology fascinated me however more recently the love for IT has sparked up as both a means to improve an existing skill set as well as developing new ones like programming. There were no particular people who sparked this interest nor events but due to my need of wanting to pursue higher education in fields that I find interesting, IT has become something I see myself doing well in and having a vested interest in. Finally my current IT experience outside of most generic activities like sending emails and answering phone calls include; my current workplace where I am a facilities assistant that oversees the building management. Within managing the building we conduct and perform many IT related tasks such as systems diagnostics, data storage, data security, networking and communications troubleshooting as well as hardware, and software updates of integrated building systems.

Why did I choose RMIT?

RMIT and more specifically the 'Introduction to Information Technology' unit was recommended through Open Universities as a great elective to take within my current Bachelors degree in IT and Programming, most of which is hosted within Murdoch University. When picking my set of electives, I found that none offered the same level of IT interest that RMIT focuses on as well as the University is both critically acclaimed and well documented by peer reviews which helped to solidify this choice.

What do I expect to learn during my studies?

I expect that the studies will provide me with an amazing base foundation of IT principles as well as help to highlight possible future career paths, or interests in IT that I may have later in my studies. Overall though I expect the studies to greatly increase my current skill set by providing technical knowledge as well as help me develop new skills through concepts and techniques that are unfamiliar to me.

Ideal Job



Mighty Kingdom, Australia's largest independent game development studio are looking for a Programmer to join their development team in Adelaide, South Australia!

The studio is based in Adelaide but may be offered as remote.

Responsibilites include:  

  • Creating and overseeing backend systems, and features.
  • Working closely with the design team to create and/or improve gameplay systems.
  • Testing and debugging existing code.
  • Contributing innovative and original ideas on all aspects of game production and development.
The job is appealing to myself for a few of reasons:
  • I enjoy games and would love the opportunity to work at coding, and programming games in a team environment.
  • The benefits are very appealing from flexible working hours (like working from home) to competitive salaries and benefits.
  • I like the current list of games that this company offers and their message in how they develop their games I appreciate greatly. For example, designing and innovating games with heart, and passion is a great message.

Skills, qualifications and experience required

  • 3+ years industry experience.

  • Strong knowledge of C# programming language which is used in Unity Game Engine.

  • Experience working with Unity specific features (Monobehaviours, Physics, UI, Mechanisms).

  • Experience with client-servers or networked applications.

  • Experience with azure, google, web services.

  • Ability to write iOS and Android plugins for Unity.

  • Experience using XCode and submitting apps to the App Store, and Play Store.

  • Experience in mobile game live operations.

  • Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science or equivalent.

  • Experience with Third Party implementation.

  • Experience with Unity Asset Packages.

  • Ability to work with git version control for collaboration and sharing.

  • Strong communications skills and capability to work well with other team members.

  • Ability to manage time efficiently and work independently, or cooperatively.

  • Ability to write code that matches company style.

Skills, qualifications and experience currently acquired

  • Intermediate knowledge of C# programming language.

  • Beginner level experience working with Unity specific features (Monobehaviours, Physics, UI, Mechanisms).

  • Beginner level experience with client-servers and networked applications.

  • Intermediate level experience with azure, google, web services.

  • Have a basic understanding and ability to write iOS and Android plugins for Unity.

  • Beginner level experience using XCode.

  • Currently doing a Bachelor's Degree in IT and Programming.

  • Beginner level experience with Third Party implementation.

  • Beginner level experience with Unity Asset Packages.

  • Have a basic understanding and ability to work with git version control for collaboration and sharing.

  • Strong communications skills and capability to work well with other team members.

  • Strong ability to manage time efficiently and work independently, or cooperatively

  • Strong communications skills and capability to work well with other team members.

  • Can learn easily to write code that matches company style.

Learning plan

A lot of these skills, qualifications and experience mainly comes down to time. I already actively practice a lot of the skills and experience required, I just need more experience over time. More specifically though to improve certain skills I need to:

  • Program more games independently within Unity.
  • Learn more about backend systems and various game mechanics that add to game developments.
  • Do research on certain game designs and how to make them unique but solid in concept.
  • Finish my degree and possibly do some more independent/teamwork that adds industry experience.

Personality Profile

Test one results

Myers-Briggs test

  • I am an assertive advocate.
  • I play the role of a diplomat.
  • I use confident individualism as a strategy for most things.
  • I am 57% introverted in how I interact with my environment.
  • I am 72% intuitive when directing my mental energy.
  • I am 66% feeling when determining decisions and how to cope with emotions.
  • I am 65% judging when reflecting on an approach to work and planning.
  • I am 69% assertive when I show confidence in my abilities and decisions.

test one results

Test two results

Online learning style test

  • I am a visual learner
    • I learn by reading or seeing things.
    • I learn by primarily visual methods and can be distracted by auditory stimuli.
    • I will often close my eyes to visualise and imagine concepts.
  • In order to improve my learning style:
    • I should draw more to understand things that I can’t picture.
    • I should make sure to keep my eyes healthy.
    • Color code items for visual organisation.

test two results

Test three results

Big 5 personality traits test

  • Within the 'Big 5 Personality Traits':
    • I am 58% extroverted - I tend to slightly enjoy other people and social settings more than being a shut in.
    • I am 81% emotionally stable - I am mostly stable in handling negative emotions.
    • I am 56% agreeable - I tend to be more optimistic and friendly as opposed to aggressive.
    • I am 22% conscientious - I am more impulsive and disorganized.
    • I am 22% conscientious - I am more impulsive and disorganized.
    • I am 80% intellectual/imaginative - I am more open to experiences rather than traditional and conventional.

test three results

What do the results mean for me?

The results of these tests show my current characteristics, more so regarding psychological factors, but essentially how I am in general. They outline a distinction between how I am and how I could be in potential scenarios. Overall though they essentially categorise and give a clear picture for my own self assessment.

How do I think these results may influence my behaviour in a team?

I would honestly like to say that this would affect and impact my behaviour in a team but unfortunately it doesn’t. Mainly because of my own set standards and beliefs. For example, I believe that I will always remain myself and stand true to that however I do believe in adaptability and will adapt accordingly to the team of people that I am working with to accommodate, and facilitate a common goal.

How should I take this into account when forming a team?

When forming a team, I am actually more aware of other people’s personalities and less about mine. As I understand myself more than any test would, I constantly change and mold according to my situation therefore the only factors to take into account are the actions and personalities of other people.

Project Idea


MONSTER CATCHERS is a 2D RPG game that will have players interacting with a world called Nerala. Nerala is filled with monsters that the player will need to decide whether to battle or capture for research. MONSTER CATCHERS will have a similar visual and playable aesthetic as a Pokemon game. The design is inspired by pixel art of the 90s to early 2000s to limit artwork. MONSTER CATCHERS will be attempted to be adapted for mobile development however Mac and PC systems will be utilised just in case. The game will be developed, designed and programmed using inspiration from other game designers.


The game is purely motivated by self-interest and for keeping skills sharp. Admittedly the game doesn’t fill any ultimate purpose or need to a requirement, it is more about the fun and entertainment element of IT. Games are all designed to be a stress release or form of entertainment, and personally I have always loved Pokemon games. By designing this project idea it would fulfill the need to entertain without re-inventing too many wheels. A more prominent motivation would be that I strive to be a programmer and ideally one that designs games therefore this project is a good starting base to keep developing the skills I already possess.


As the player you begin by choosing your avatar ready to set foot in the world of Nerala and all the lovely creatures it is composed of. Customisation is limited as either picking male or female. Once you have established your avatar and you enter the game, you will be prompted with a custom name creator so that you can personalize your character. After which a survey with multiple question paths and multiple choice answers will be filled out by you to determine your personality trait that will align with your first monster. The traits that you can have are (but not limited to): SHY, CALM, RELAXED, BRAVE, HARDY, SERIOUS and NAUGHTY.

The game will commence with your avatar, who is the protagonist that will decide the fate of the monsters on Nerala. You begin in the research facility on Nerala where a scientist will hand you your first monster based on the personality trait designated however don’t fear if you are not satisfied with the choice you may have the option to change the monster to any of the other ones at the end of the first act (tutorial session).

You will run through a series of tutorials to get you acclimated to the way things are in Nerala from: battling or capturing monsters, leveling your party and getting them stronger to take on boss monsters. From there you will return back to the laboratory to finalise all your customisation and starting monster choice. Once you have decided, there will be no turning back so choose wisely!

You will continue to battle and/or capture monsters within the environments of Nerala or alternatively there will be an attempt at developing some networking option so that you can socialise with other players and help them out with their collection book.

Monsters will be based on a level and typing system, the more you interact with the world the more types you will be introduced to and the higher the level they will go. As a budding researcher who will ultimately explore all the ecosystems of Nerala, it is wise to ensure your team of monsters (which is limited to 4 at any given time) is levelled appropriately and prepared for any ecosystem. The ecosystems will each have their own boss monster governing it which will require a little more effort to defeat than the regular ones you are able to capture. Once cleared the next ecosystem will be available for you to move into and explore.

Your ultimate goal is to complete all the ecosystems and research all monsters in an attempt to finish your collection book.

Tools and technologies

The game is mostly software dependent and some hardware will be utilised for specific tasks. The following tools and technologies are listed according to their use in the development stages:

  • Software - Unity - this is the main game development tool. Unity will ultimately host, design and render the final game to be played.
  • Software - Photoshop and/or Pixaki - this is an art design tool. Either of those tools or a combination of both will be used to draw the 2D pixel art assets and render them for use in Unity as .png files.
  • Hardware - iPad Pro and/or Wacom Intuos Pro - this is the physical drawing technology. Either of those technologies or a combination of both will be used to facilitate the drawing and art design by making it more paperlike and streamline.
  • Software - Visual Studio - this is the coding tool. Visual Studio is designed with Unity in mind as it can develop code according to C# and also understands all of Unity’s particular code library commands.
  • Software - Pro Tools - this is the sound design tool. Pro Tools will be used to develop all the sound assets from sound design to composition as .wav files.
  • Software - GitHub - this is the collaboration or sharing tool. GitHub will be used to host all files that need to be shared and assist in collaborating any designs on the game.
  • Software - Discord - this is the online communication tool. Discord will be used to host any communication between the developers and designers of this game as it can do video meetings, calls and chats to maintain contact.

Skills required

  • Knowledge of C# programming language which is used in Unity Game Engine.
  • Experience working with Unity specific features (Monobehaviours, Physics, UI, Mechanisms).
  • Ability to develop story, environment and character design.
  • Experience using some code writers like XCode, Notepad++ or Visual Studio.
  • Experience with Unity Asset Packages.
  • Experience using some form of art design tool like Photoshop.
  • Experience using some form of sound design tool like Pro Tools.
  • Ability to work with git version control for collaboration and sharing.
  • Communications skills and capability to work well with other team members.
  • Ability to manage time efficiently and work independently, or cooperatively.
The feasibility of being able to find others with these skills is quite possible. As this is a big development project many people can fill niche roles or this project can also be done independently. The software is all relatively cheap and/or free for students but there are versions of what is required for everyone. The hardware will cost some money but again easy to acquire with the proper cost.


It is predicted that upon a successful completion of the project that there will be a well-designed game that is available and playable by anyone who can download it. The development will add skills to those who need more game development experience as well provide something for a portfolio as a means to show what the individual was capable of and achieved on this project. Overall this project will lend itself to the imagination of the people behind it and will provide some form of entertainment in the form of a game that players can get involved in.