Homepage of the A2 Group 10

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image showing a brain as symbol for group profile

Team Personal Information

Our group is composed of many different backgrounds. We come from different parts of Australia and have different ages and education. What makes each of us unique, can be found in our team info page.

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Team Personal Profiles

As a component of this assessment, each member of our team had done three psychometric tests, as if we were to apply for a real job in the industry. These test were comprised of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) test, which was developed by the mother-and-daughter team of Isabel Myers and Katharine Briggs. One about learning styles, and Big 5 Factors as the third one. In the Profile section, the results of these tests are listed and how these will impact us working as a group.

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image showing hands holding different intellectual items to resemble the team personal profiles
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image showing twisted lines resembling different jobs the team has chosen

Team Jobs

Each group member has an ideal job. In this section the favourite jobs of each team member are listed and comared. Common elements are explained and what differentiates each position from the other's. It describes how similar or different the career plans across the group are.

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Team Industry Data

Every group member had picked a job title for his/her ideal job? It would be interesting to see, how each of these rank in terms of demand? This section identifies the set of skills required for these jobs. How the IT-specific skills and the general skills rank in terms of demand, will be shown here. But we will also provide an insight on which skills are generally highest in demand and do a Burning Glass analysis on the job skills and job requirements in general.

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image showing a briefcase and many folders to resemble the various data industry can handle
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image showing various symbols connected with arrows to illustrate the complexity in a job as it professional

Team It Work

Every group member had picked a job title for his/her ideal job? It would be interesting to see, how each of these rank in terms of demand? This section identifies the set of skills required for these jobs. How the IT-specific skills and the general skills rank in terms of demand, will be shown here. But we will also provide an insight on which skills are generally highest in demand and do a Burning Glass analysis on the job skills and job requirements in general.

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Team Technologies

Every group member had picked a job title for his/her ideal job? It would be interesting to see, how each of these rank in terms of demand? This section identifies the set of skills required for these jobs. How the IT-specific skills and the general skills rank in terms of demand, will be shown here. But we will also provide an insight on which skills are generally highest in demand and do a Burning Glass analysis on the job skills and job requirements in general.

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image showing an open head with cog-wheels to depict the various technologies the team has to learn
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image showing a rocket and data board with people working on it to symbolise how the teams project can take off once finished.

Team Project

Every group member had picked a job title for his/her ideal job? It would be interesting to see, how each of these rank in terms of demand? This section identifies the set of skills required for these jobs. How the IT-specific skills and the general skills rank in terms of demand, will be shown here. But we will also provide an insight on which skills are generally highest in demand and do a Burning Glass analysis on the job skills and job requirements in general.

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