A2 Group 10 - Ideal Jobs

The group's ideal Jobs

In the first assignment, every group member had to find a job advertisement for a job considered to be the ideal job for the member. This task was independent of each other, and groups for this assessment were only formed later in the course. So, it is interesting to see how the different character styles of the group line up and how the other ideal jobs correlate.

The table below shows the depicted ideal jobs from each team member and how it ranks against the data from Burning Glass Technologies (2018). A more detailed explanation of the Burning Glass Technologies data can be found under “Industry Data.”

Ideal Job Comparison of the Team

Ranking Job Title Jessica Adam Alex Ashley Paul Karsten
9 Infrastructure Engineer green dot symbolising a skill already aqcuired
13 Project Manager/Team Leader green dot symbolising a skill already aqcuired
19 Programmer green dot symbolising a skill already aqcuired
34 IT Systems Analyst green dot symbolising a skill already aqcuired
35 IT Support Officer green dot symbolising a skill already aqcuired
96 Mobile App Developer red dot symbolising a skill still needed
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Comparison and Contrast

There is some great diversity within the roles and industry sectors of IT we each want to pursue. Our group has a spread of roles selected for ideal jobs, with [2] aiming for business support/operations roles, [2] for software development, [1] for analysis and [1] for management.


Jessica’s Infrastructure Engineer role and Paul’s IT Support Officer will both be hands-on jobs, with Jessica looking at backups and loss prevention, rollouts and troubleshooting of a company’s infrastructure, while Paul will be maintaining IT systems and dealing with the nitty gritty.

The two software developers, Alexander and Ashley both looking to turn a love of gaming into a dream job of creating those games with Ashley specifically looking at mobile devices.

Karsten’s IT Systems Analyst will be taking a high-level view of a company’s IT systems and designing solutions to increase effectiveness and efficiency, and Adam’s Project Management will have him leading a team to deliver projects that fulfil requirements and meet budget and other concerns.


Jessica and Paul will be wanting much more technical skills and experience than the others, while Karsten will particularly be looking at systems and business analysis. Both Alexander and Ashley will be wanting to learn a variety of programming languages, and Adam will be looking to gain experience on a variety of project teams before gaining the experience required to start project managing. Overall, everyone will have a unique set of skills and tasks required to perform their roles but will ultimately have some shared fundamental skills.

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