A2 Group 10 - Team Profile

The below table lists each group member's test results. For the personality test every group member performed the 16 Personalities, or Myer-Briggs Test. The learning style test was provided by Education Planner and the third test utilised is the Big 5 Factors.

Test Test Items Jessica Alex Adam Ashley Paul Karsten
Myer Briggs   INTP-T (Logician) INFJ-A (Advocate) ISTJ–A (Logistician) ESFP-A (Entertainer) ISFP-A (Adventurer) INFJ-A (Advocate)
Education Planner Auditory 20 % 35 % 45 % 20 % 10 % 30 %
Tactile 35 % 20 % 15 % 35 % 30 % 50 %
Visual 45 % 45 % 40 % 45 % 60 % 20 %
Big 5 Factors Extraversion (perc.) 37 58 41 78 70 41
Emotional Stability (perc.) 34 81 34 95 99 95
Agreeableness (perc.) 35 56 35 76 25 45
Conscientiousness (perc.) 9 22 76 13 97 89
Intellect/Imagination (perc.) 65 80 80 28 88 65

How will this be useful to the Group?

Knowing that the most common learning style preferred in the group is visual will help in planning communication throughout the project, leaning more to written communication than other forms. This was observed through the test conducted to assess our learning styles (Education Planner 2021).

Myers-Briggs Type Indicators give an indication of how well each individual works in various environments (16Personalities 2021). Having four out of six members that are likely to maintain harmony (two advocates, an entertainer, and an adventurer) will go a long way toward creating a good dynamic, along with a logician, who will typically do best within a flat hierarchy. With four members having traits leading to ensuring the work is done in a structured manner by the deadline (logistician, adventurer and two advocates), there is a high chance of a productive environment.

Overall, this seems like a good fit for group work, particularly if there is room for some independence and creativity.

The Big 5 Factors support above analysis (Open Psychometrics 2021). The team shows a moderate to high percentile of extraversion, which contributes to a sociable, excitement-seeking environment. There is also a good level of emotional stability within the group which will likely produce a calm, resilient, and curious environment.

This can be beneficial for groupwork, and with most members in the team scoring high in openness (Intellect/Imagination), showing a creative, unconventional, and open to trying new things team, group work can likely be productive. The team needs to be wary regarding the lower scores in agreeableness and conscientiousness.

This can result in a more sceptical, demanding, and unsympathetic environment. Conscientiousness is a factor for competence, being organised and self-disciplined, but also the opposite when scoring low. As high scores in this trait are not distributed equally, the group might keep an eye on the work distribution.

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16Personalities 2021, Myers-Briggs personality test, 16Personalities, viewed 13 June 2021

16Personalities 2021, Myers-Briggs personality test, JPEG Image, 16Personalities, viewed 13 June 2021

Education Planner 2021, What’s your learning style?, Education Planner, viewed 13 June 2021

Open Psychometrics 2021, Big 5 Personality Test, Open Psychometrics, viewed 14 June 2021

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